1 pass the time 关于pass,时间过得特别快可以说“Time passes so quickly”,而打发时间可以说pass the time。When Paula was ill, I took her some magazines to help her pass the ...
梨园新生代②:把钢琴当“霸王”的大青衣 All the world's a stage,全世界是一个舞台,And all the men and women merely players;所有的男男女女不过是一些演员;They have their exit...
4. Avoid "autopilot" brain at all costs. 千万不要让你的大脑天马行空“自动驾驶”。 5. Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time. 含糊不明是不好的,含糊不明浪费时间。 6. Write it down. 该写的写下来。 7. Suck it up, buckle down, get it done...
Survivor: 《Eye of the Tiger》 "So many times it happens too fast." 1982 Daryl Hall & John Oates: 《I Can't Go For That》 "Easy, ready, willing, overtime. Where does it sto...
亚里士多德说,时间是所有未知中最未知的事物(Time is the most unknown of all unknown things)。培根说,时间是最伟大的发明者(Time is the greatest innovator)。不同的文化对时间有不同的态度。比如,在很多地中海国家或阿拉伯国家,约会迟到是再正常不过的情...
更多内容请点击:10个与时间有关的英语短语,让你的口语更地道! 推荐文章